Thursday, July 19, 2018

Welcome to Sports Gematria

Welcome to my blog! On this blog I will be covering Gematria mainly in it's connection to professional sports.

I use a few types of Gematria. The ones I mainly use are English ordinal, English reduction, Jewish, Francis Bacon, English Sumerian and English extended forms of Gematria and occasionally I use the Septenary and Chaldean forms.

The easiest methods to explain are English ordinal and English reduction.

English ordinal is simply A=1, B=2, C=3 all the way up to Z=26

Sports=107 ordinal

English reduction breaks every number down to a single digit so J=10 in ordinal, but in reduction it breaks down and J=1.

Sports=26 reduction

Both numbers will always break down to the same digit, 1+7=8, 2+6=8

Date numerology also plays a key part in this study so here's a brief starter on how to do the date numerology:

Today is 7/19/2018, the date numerology for today is:

7+1+9+2+0+1+8=28 (*An easy check to make sure the first 3 are right is to see if they break down to the same number, they will always break down to the same number, 6+4=10, 3+7=10, 2+8=10*)

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